Discover the REAL YOU. Holistic Yoga & Meditation Retreat,
Time to discover the absolute truth about who we are?
Is life all about earning spending and all that happens in between?
Maybe who we are is not a fad question but is the one question that can help us realise our true potential.
Are you ready to discover who you really are?
Enhancing Human Well-being, Healing, and Self-Awareness!
Welcome to "ReDiscover ThySelf'. It is by being within your true self and nature that you listen to experience all that you are until you truly do find your identity. ReDiscover ThySelf Retreat welcomes and opens its doors for you to experience this unique, beautiful, and abundant place in nature. It is with great joy to share with you this magical land and beautiful retreat space, peaceful yoga, and well-being sanctuary all nestled within lush green nature.
All retreats are designed to allow you to unravel, breathe, and focus fully on ReDiscovering ThySelf within this amazing self-discovery journey. The hosts openly invite you to browse the pages to see, feel, or know how they can be of service to you. ReDiscover ThySelf offers bespoke retreats especially tailored to fit you.
Discover the REAL YOU.
Holistic Yoga & Meditation Retreat, Goa - India.
Non - Residential /online Course Fee (Euros/INR): € 65 / INR 5999
Residential Course Fee (Euros/ INR):
Pls check below all the rooms and accommodation types:
Guesthouse Single occupancy with a private washroom - € 215 (Euro) / 18,998 INR (Per Person)
Guesthouse Double occupancy with a private washroom - € 165 (Euro) / 14,498 INR (Per Person)
Limited Seats Please book in advance.
Contact: +918894100666/ +919823637054
Workshop – 4 days (2nd – 5th 2022 every month)
Retreat starting from – 2nd 2021, 4 pm with registration & introduction about the retreat.
Note:- This retreat does not include your accommodation if you are choosing a non-residential or online course.
The accommodation you have many choices depending on what kind of room and location :
prices will be 1700 - 5000 INR Per Person Per Day. or you can stay wherever you want...
What do you get?
> 3 Sessions of Therapeutic yoga or Flow yoga.
(Includes yoga therapy for Back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, Diabetes, Obesity, Anxiety, Stress, Heart disease, Hypertension, Depression, Digestive Disorders, and many more Psychosomatic disease.)
> 6 Sessions of MEDITATION
> 3 Sessions of Pranayama (Breathwork)
> 1 Session of Intensive LEARNING to be more SELF AWARE
> 1 Session of Learn and Use EBRR (Emotional Body Release & Refresh)
* Option for participant only decided by our teachers
> 1 Session of OIAC (One-On-One Intensive Aware Counselling Session)
Personal Time for Nature Walks, sitting near the ocean, and nature blessed forests
Key Breath works:
*Kapalbhathi - Kapalbhati is not a Pranayama it is a type of breathing exercise and one of the cleansing techniques that helps you rid of various ailments over a period of time. “Kapal” means forehead and “bhati” means shining. Eventually, Kapalbhati should bring about a glow on the face of the practitioner. Kapalbhati is done in a sitting posture.
*Pranayama -
* Bhastrika - Pranayama is a way to improve your immune system. Bhastrika is a Sanskrit word which means bellows. In Bhastrika pranayama, the breathing pattern resembles the blowing of bellows.
* Anulom Vilom – Anulom Vilom pranayama,
* Cooling pranayama – Sheetali pranayama, Sitkari pranayama & Sadanta pranayama.
* Bhramari pranayama
* Nadanusandhana (AUM) – AAA (Sound ), UUU (Sound), MMM (sound) & AUM all together.
Key Meditations:
* Chakra breathing Meditation - This active meditation uses deep, rapid breathing and body movement to open and bring awareness, vitality and silence to each of the seven chakras and into your life. This meditation is best done on an empty stomach.
* Gibberish Meditation – A powerful meditation to clear the throat and voice emotions using a nonsense made-up language to clear emotions and still the mind.
* Kundalini Meditation - Being fully immersed in the shaking and dancing of the first two stages helps to “melt” the rock-like being, wherever the energy flow has been repressed and blocked. Then that energy can flow, dance, and be transformed into bliss and joy. The last two stages enable all this energy to flow vertically, to move upwards into silence. It is a highly effective way of unwinding and letting go at the end of the day. Excellent to release trauma, tone the abdomen and open all the chakras to access kundalini energy and power.
* Nadabrahma Meditation -- Nadabrahma is the humming meditation – through humming and hand movements, conflicting parts of you start falling in tune, and you bring harmony to your whole being. Then, with body and mind totally together, you “slip out of their hold” and become a witness to both. This watching from the outside is what brings peace, silence and bliss.
* Night Meditation – This transformational meditation allows for a deepening becoming one with the night and merging with the darkness.
ReDiscover ThySelf offering Retreats in Mandrem-Goa. This Retreat Place is situated right in the middle of the stunning lush green nature which we are inviting you Peace Quite filled with the abundance of Nature and yet is very close (less than 10 minutes) to one of the most favorite destinations!
This place is surrounded by beautiful nature and a great view of Lush green Forests and trees and always there is the soothing sound of the river and surrounds the view all around! All this is sure to take your breath away every single time!
We would request that you come a day earlier than the retreat start date. This will help you settle down and use it to maximize your benefits from the retreat.
About the Facilitators & Teachers:
Our Teacher Shri AnantaJeevan with support from their Team of Healers and Yoga Teachers will help and support your healing and self-discovery. All sessions are delivered using English Language and support is available for the Hindi Language as needed.
How do you register?
You can register yourself by paying a small 100 Euro or 8000 INR deposit to confirm your place in the retreat and the remaining fee is to be paid at least 11 days before arrival.
(Visa & Master Credit Cards / Debit Cards / Bank Transfer / Payment Wallets like Paytm, Tez, Apple Pay, Android Pay, etc are accepted)