Our Features
SELF Love (wellness retreat) -
Break all Conditions
Design by Ananta
Self-love is a transformative program that combines Therapeutic Yoga practices, Aware learning sessions, Healing and Meditation.
Guided by Yogi AnantaGuru, this program includes a powerful 90-minute Yogic process called the transmission of Understanding activities.
By participating in this program, you can build a foundation of healthy mind set, joy, and sense of meaningfulness, and establish a Awareness in your Happy Life.
SELF LOVE – break all Conditions!
What is the first thought we observe when we think of Self-love?
Is it –why should I love self, how can I love self, I cannot do that, self-love is not important, I love my self-less, how to love more, what will I gain from it .. or any other thought which stops our thinking in going further towards loving self …
I would request you to please let go of these thoughts and see from a point of view that what I can benefit from this post – which will ensure a positive state of learning with understanding.
Infinite Love
Self-love is the most vital emotion needed by Human being in order to live and Grow with Harmony, it clears all the blockages which inhibit our Growth and Success.
When an individual has low Self-love, he/she will experience not so healthy relationships, moderate performance in career, low self-belief, low sense of achievement and low success ratio in whichever domain he/she interacts.
Not Loving self is like being resistive to claim what is yours.
Our Understanding Says

Self-love of any individual is lost or is nonexistent due to the conditions in which he/she was raised from childhood. Conditions are very dangerous because they are formed from limited surroundings and without any logic or reason.
Our conditions tell us many things which limit our Self-love like I am responsible for all outcomes, I am not successful, I am not better than my colleague, people don’t like me, I am nowhere capable when compared to the role models, I have messed all my life, I am not perfect, I make many mistakes, my parents like my friends more, I lack skills, I lack confidence, I am not smart enough then my friends, I am not rich.

We all are created equally by our Creator (at the soul level), there cannot be any comparison between any humans. We all have been blessed with Free Will – which entitles to live life in our manner by our Understanding which should be focused on Self-growth. We are blessed with Happiness.
We are made with Love such that we operate out of love in all our dealings and See everyone with love without any Bias.
We have the power to create whatever we desire and destroy in our lives, not the situations or people around us.
When we replace our existing conditions with
New Understanding we will observe exponential Growth in our careers, increased level of Happiness, high Self-belief, Perpetual growth, increased understanding of self and life, Harmony in relationships.
We will move towards making an impact in our World through living our lives.
Exceptional Quality
Easy to adapt our unique methods
24/7 Support (Before and after)
Learning the Key Elements of the life
Awareness Based solution no Dependency
Find the Root Causes of the problem and solved it
Certified Professionals

Our Features
What do you get?
3 Sessions of Therapeutic
Yoga or Flow Yoga.
Includes yoga therapy for Back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, Diabetes, Obesity, Anxiety, Stress, Heart disease, Hypertension, Depression, Digestive Disorders, and many more Psychosomatic disease).
4 Sessions of Meditation
3 Sessions of Pranayama
2 Sessions of Intensive LEARNING
to be more in Self-love.
1 Session of EBRR (Emotional Body Release & Refresh)
1 Session of BPSC (Body power source cleansing - Hara Massage)
1 Session of OIAC (One-on-One Intensive Aware Counselling)
Personal Time for Nature Walks, sitting near the river or Ocean, and nature blessed forests

Key Meditations
Meditation is a state of being 'aware' of everything within you! Yes, being aware! not about knowing .. not about being informed .. not about experiencing things - but being aware! And that requires that you need to live life as you know it, not quit it to seek awareness
Chakra breathing Meditation
This active meditation uses deep, rapid breathing and body movement to open and bring awareness, vitality and silence to each of the seven chakras and into your life. This meditation is best done on an empty stomach.
Kundalini Meditation
Being fully immersed in the shaking and dancing of the first two stages helps to “melt” the rock-like being, wherever the energy flow has been repressed and blocked. Then that energy can flow, dance and be transformed into bliss and joy. The last two stages enable all this energy to flow vertically, to move upwards into silence. It is a highly effective way of unwinding and letting go at the end of the day. Excellent to release trauma, tone the abdomen and open all the chakras to access kundalini energy and power.
Gibberish Meditation
A powerful meditation to clear the throat and voice emotions using a nonsense made-up language to clear emotions and still the mind.
Nadabrahma Meditation
Nadabrahma is the humming meditation – through humming and hand movements, conflicting parts of you start falling in tune, and you bring harmony to your whole being. Then, with body and mind totally together, you “slip out of their hold” and become a witness to both. This watching from the outside is what brings peace, silence and bliss.

ReDiscover ThySelf Offering retreats in Rishikesh-Uttarakhand, India!

Feeling of home, Freedom in the air, you can dance, share and make friends from all around the world. Our aim is to provide a space where you feel comfortable, relaxed and blissful. We will be sharing space together in a beautiful idyllic resort in the yoga capital of India- Rishikesh. Next to the almighty Ganga so you will be able to experience the beautiful Retreat sunsets with your new found friends and sisters.
This place is surrounded by beautiful nature and a great view of Lush green Forests and trees and always there is the soothing sound of the river and surrounds the view all around! All this is sure to take your breath away every single time! We would request that you come a day earlier than the retreat start date. This will help you settle down and use it to maximize your benefits from the retreat.
You can stay with us on one of our Retreats, Yoga holidays, Detox retreats, Yoga teacher trainings, Massage trainings and more. Alternatively join us for Yoga classes and workshops at the drop-in center if you are staying in the area. You may also wish to enquire about our Luxury accommodation.
Our Clients Say
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SELF Love (Wellness Retreat) - break all Conditions
Dates: 24-27 Oct 2024!
Group Retreat
Residential Course Fee (INR): Per Person
Single Deluxe Room:
| ₹ 17,999 INR |
Double Deluxe Room :
| ₹ 14,999 x 2 = 29,998 INR |
Single Semi Deluxe Room:
| ₹ 14,999 INR |
Double Semi Deluxe Room :
| ₹ 11,999 x 2 = 23,998 INR |
Single Normal Room:
| ₹ 11,999 INR |
Double Normal Room :
| ₹ 9,999 x 2 = 19,998 INR |