💗 A powerful workshop for anyone who wants to experience creating and sustaining Blissful Relationships. The seemingly difficult task made simple and meaningful with Awareness…
Who are suffering from their relationship, attachment, marriage and love
If you are not happy to spend time alone, you better check the quality and understanding of the relationship you hold with yourself, because this one relationship is going to go long way until your last breath.
, , Habits, Addictions, Greed, , &
Are you ready for the season of love?
We are talking about not just knowing about this emotion called love... But to understand it deeply and realize it's awesome influence and power it gives you. Did you or Do you have these questions?
* How do I know I am really in love?
* I am confused about love, marriage, attachment and relationship and need Clarity.
* Love was great... But all that was before Marriage.. Everything has changed now. What do I do?
* I am possessive, and insecure about my relationship. What to do?
* My partner is possessive and has trust issues. How do I handle it?
* Is Pampering yourself is Self Love, or is it about being selfish and rude..?
If you don't like the person you are, and you are trying to become like somebody else, either physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, economically, politically, culturally, whatever, if you are not happy being you, you got to check your Self Love quotient.
If you can relate to the self-defeating emotions of Guilt, Blame, Shame & Regret, you definitely need to rekindle your relationship with self.
A World where Self Love is High, Individuals own their Happiness, and not crib about it. Happy Minds are Loving Hearts too, naturally.
Inclusive & Loving Intentions are essentials to even imagine a better future for this World.
So please do this world a favour, take care of this one person that you are.
All this and a lot more, Deeper seeing things based on understanding ‘Love’ logically and practically.
The idea is to get to a core clarity of what Love, marriage, attachment and relationship are, in the most useful ways. Keeping it simple “If it’s not useful, it isn’t Clarity”…
Do bring a lot of questions, we are planning to go deeper into your queries and challenges which you face in your relationship. (Like)
* What is ‘Love’??!!
Is it Real or Beyond my limit? Or it is just a Philosophy? Belief? an Emotion? Or a Thought?
Or a real Feeling? What the hell is ‘Love’??!!
Is it Good? Or Bad? Or Right or Wrong?
Is it an Affection? Or Attraction? Or Attachment?
Maybe Infatuation? Obsession? Is it Possession??
And Expectations? Or a Desire? Or it’s a Need? Or a Want?
Can it be Care? Or Concern??
* What about Friendship? And Companionship?
* Why Relationship? and Intimacy??
* Where’s Commitment? And Trust?
What about Exclusivity? And Loyalty??
Is it a Responsibility? Or probably Liability?
Maybe it's Compassion? Or Peace? Or is it Kindness?
Our vision is simple, clear and full of understanding -Talk, Think, Feel, Question, Ask, Validate, Discuss, Debate, Listen, Understand, Repeat
All this, and much more.
Come and experience the depth of what we call as 'Love' in its truest sense
You deserve Love, fill your life with it!
The retreat offers a full program of activities that run for this Marriage, Attachment, Love & Relationship Wellness Retreat, starting at 7.00 am and finishing between 8.30 pm or 9 pm (depending upon the activity). It is compulsory to attend all the activities.
The activities on each day of the week vary, depending on the day, however, there is something in each slot for you to choose to participate in. There are two classes of yoga each day – one in the morning and one before lunch. The start time varies. You will be given a 3-day program of activities when you arrive at the retreat.
06:00 Personal activity / optional walk
07:00 Yoga or Kriya yoga (Strengthen the body)
08:30 Breakfast buffet
10:00 60 minutes : Meditation / Activity
11:15 Bodywork (healing sessions / spa / Free time )
12:00 60 minutes: Pranayama
13:00 Lunch & free time
15:00 Aware Learning Activity
16:00 Meditation / Activity
17:00 Tea break
18:00 Intensive learning to be more self-aware / Yoga Nidra
19:00 Dinner & Free time
20:00 Ask question & answer / open house
21:30 Rest time
Residential Workshop – 3 days
Pls check below all the rooms and accommodation types:
Guesthouse Single occupancy private washroom - 34,999 INR (Per Person)
Limited Seats Please book in advance.
Contact: +918894100666/ +919823637054
The accommodation you have many choices depending on what kind of room and location :
prices will be 1000 - 5000 INR Per Person Per Day (Ac or Non Ac). Or you can stay according to your budget if you are choosing the non-residential option for this retreat.
What do you get?
2 Sessions of Daily yoga.
2 Sessions of Intensive LEARNING to be more in Love
2 Sessions of MEDITATION
1 Session of Learn and Use EBRR (Emotional Body Release & Refresh)
* Option for participant only decide by our teachers
1 Session of OIAC (One-On-One Intensive Aware Counselling Session)
Personal Time for Nature Walks, sitting near the ocean, and nature blessed forests
Key Meditations:
* Re-energized breathing Chakra sound/breathing meditation
* Nadabrama meditation
* Self-inquiry meditation
* Dance or Natraj meditation
+ 2 nights of Accommodation (Breakfast)
+ Bodywork, & healing therapies .
- Visa, insurance & transportation
- Flight Ticket and Airport taxi
- Lunch & Dinner
✨ Learning as a way of Living & Perpetual Growth
✨ Meditation - Awareness - Presence - Stillness - Emptiness - Oneness
✨ Breaking the Old Patterns, Conditioned Beliefs, Habits, Addictions & Attachments
✨ Let go of mind, roles, ideas and meet in formlessness.
✨ Forgive yourself and others to help accept yourself and others
✨ Share this deep space, together – transform, Be.
✨ Understand Real Living
✨ Cause & Effect Relationships of Thoughts, Emotions & Behaviors
✨ Learn ‘logically’ how our relationship functions, on all 4 dimensions of human existence – Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual
✨ Higher Emotions & Lower Emotions.
✨ Conditioned Triggers, Reactions & Compulsive Behaviors
✨ The shift from ‘Knowing Something’ to ‘Understanding Everything’
✨ Understand life in its totality, beyond temporary solutions & situations
✨ Allow LOVE to Decide not to Sorrow!
✨ Learn to operate from ‘Clarity’ beyond ‘Truth’
✨ Learn Ancient Breathing Techniques to draw in more energy & be calm
Beautiful Garden & born fire
Some Practices will be done individually, some in pairs and some in groups.
This retreat is for beginners and experienced spiritual seekers alike. We welcome both men and women, individuals, singles and couples with any level of experience who are committed to their awakening & who values Happiness, Health & Harmony in Life, you are most welcome with your questions, doubts & perspectives.
Every month on 13th @ 4PM - 15th, 1:00PM.
Total 3 days.
What You'll Experience
💫 TOUCH WITH EMPTINESS - Soul Connection through the Art of Sacred Touch
💫 CONNECTING to Nature and our true infinite self
💫 BELLY or Hara Healing - Embodied Connection & Breathwork
💫 Buddhist & TANTRIC - Practices, & Meditations
💫 Breathe Fire into your Energy System with Ancient Tibetan Breathing Techniques the Lions Roar
💫 LIFEFORCE & Divine Energy - Activate, Ground, Circulate, Expand & Sync with yourself and with a partner.
💫 SELF-INQUIRY - Deepening the Space of Being
💫 THE MYSTERY - Know Your REAL POTENTIAL A musical Shamanic breathing Journey guided into the unknown: “From FORM to FORMLESS”
💫 Experience Powerful yet Simple Aware Meditation Practices to reduce Stress in the body and mind
💫 COMMUNICATION / SENSING - Learning to Sense, Feel and Communicate consciously, also without words, through listening and recognition of inner space.
💫 Understand the Power of Thoughts & Take Charge of them
💫 The shift from ‘Knowing Something’ to ‘Understanding Everything’
💫 Discover your Core Purpose | Initiate Self Actualization Process
💫 Understanding Happiness is by Choice, and not by chance!
💫 Understanding Spiritual Dimension - Purpose, Oneness & Self Awareness
💫 Understanding Emotional Experiences - Feelings, Emotions & State of Mind
💫 Understanding Physical Existence - Body, Senses & Infinite Intelligence
💫 Experience Absolute Stillness within, while in Action!✨
💫 Understand & apply SELF - LOVE & Acceptance
💫 Experience Absolute Stillness within, while in Action!
💫 Strengthen the Relationship with the SELF and Others
💫 Rebalance your Hormonal Chemistry, by means of Emotional Energy Optimization
💫 Reaching your True Potential, and growing infinite from there
💫 INTEGRATION - How to bring this quality of being into day-to-day life.
When you feel Love for everyone and everything, as a consequence of your happiness oozing out as Love for one & all.
when you own your Well-being and take charge of your Body, Mind & Spirit, and allow yourself to learn & evolve, beyond the burden of Self Expectations.
ReDiscover ThySelf offering Retreats in Mandrem, Goa. This Retreat Place is situated right in the middle of the stunning lush green nature which we are inviting you Peace Quite filled with the abundance of Nature and yet is very close (less than 10 minutes) to one of the most favourite destinations.
All this is sure to take your breath away every single time & offers the perfect environment for this deep and transformational journey.
Pre-registration is required as we will receive only 20 participants.
1. Email info.rediscoverthyself@gmail.com with your full name, contact details and gender.
2. Full payment is required to secure your space - send via PayPal/Visa & Master Credit Cards / Debit Cards / Bank Transfer / Google pay/Payment Wallets like Paytm, Tez, Apple Pay, Android Pay etc are accepted) (payment required in INR, sent via Friends & Family to avoid fees - send a screenshot or receipt by email to info.rediscoverthyself@gmail.com or WhatsApp (+918894100666) to confirm.
Through every month of 1st, 50% of the paid ticket price is refundable. After 1st, no ticket refunds will be issued - unless you find someone to take your spot in the retreat.
For any international flights, we highly recommend landing in Goa at least 1-3 days before and after the training. Allowing your body to the ground in the field pre & post retreat will deeply affect your ability to integrate the material and transmissions.
10:00am - check-in, arrive, relax
1:00pm - Lunch & Free time (Optional)
4:00pm - Registration & opening circle
1:00pm - completion
"ReDiscover ThySelf Retreats offers a holistic approach to health and wellbeing through our program of activities that include yoga ( loosening, kriyas, breathing techniques, asanas ), meditation, therapeutic massage, healing sessions, rebounding and more, combined with tasty nutritious plant-based food and juices.
ReDiscover ThySelf Retreat welcomes and opens its doors for you to experience this unique, beautiful, and abundant place in nature. It is with great joy to share with you this magical land and beautiful retreat space, peaceful yoga, and well-being sanctuary all nestled within lush green nature. All retreats are designed to allow you to unravel, breathe, and focus fully on ReDiscovering ThySelf within this amazing self-discovery journey. The hosts openly invite you to browse the pages to see, feel, or know how they can be of service to you. ReDiscover ThySelf offers bespoke retreats especially tailored to fit you.
Allowing you to experience a true synergy between mind and body!
𝗔𝗡𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗔 (Dhyan Saurabh) has a pure heart with a childlike innocence that creates a safe space to rejuvenate the body, mind, and soul. His retreats and treatments will transport you into a deep state of silence, self-love, and awakening.
His unique offering is inspired by various teachers and traditions around the world and birthed from his own experience throughout the years.
Ananta is a founder of ReDiscover ThySelf and he took his path of yoga 18 years ago and used it to heal himself from recurrent health issues. Subsequently, he deepened his yoga practice and learned many different healing arts, including meditative inquiry, and now is a spiritual seeker dedicated to the journey to self.
Our Teacher Shri AnantaJeevan with support from their Team of Healers and Yoga Teachers will help and support your healing and self-discovery. All session are delivered using English Language and support is available for the Hindi Language as needed.
As a leading international facilitator, his guidance combines Osho, traditional Buddhist and Tantra practices, the Shamanic path, self-inquiry methods and some more modern and approachable embodiment practices. He has been offering workshops for years in some of the biggest festivals in the world and holds annual retreats in Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and many more places in India and Visited many times as a Guest teacher in Maldives, Bali and Thailand.
With Love
Ananta & the Team